Acupuncture Pain Relief Center of Tennessee
Acupuncture Pain Relief Center of Tennessee

Samuel Heinemann invented homeopathy in 1796. He discovered that a material that produced a symptom in healthy people cured the same symptom in sick people.
Homeopathic remedies are produced for literally every medical condition. In classical homeopathy, a lengthy consultation culminates with a single homeopathic remedy that matches their symptoms. An offshoot of classical homeopathy is Homotoxicology. Dr. H-H Reckeweg developed Homotoxicology in the 1930s.
In modern Homotoxicology, several homeopathic materials are mixed to provide a broader range of treatment. Homotoxicology focuses more on the negative effects of toxins on the body.
Homeopathics and Homotoxicology are a type of energy medicine. The remedies come in the form of vials for injections, vials for drinking, suspensions in alcohol for drinking, sublingual tablets, and sublingual pellets. Injectable Homeopathics are supplied in a thin solution that is easy to inject. A thin 28-gauge injection needle creates little or no pain.
Homeopathics function by the rule of “like cures like.” A classic example is the creation of a homeopathic remedy using onion. As most of us have experienced, onions when sliced cause tearing. However, onions when made into a homeopathic remedy prevent tearing.
It has been discovered recently water resonates with all energies and has a memory for what it has been exposed to. This is the basis for homeopathy. A material such as an herb or mineral or even a mammalian tissue is dissolved in distilled water. The solution is “successed.” This means it is induced with some type of energy. Originally, the solution was merely slammed repeatedly on a hard surface. Today, this process is accomplished with sophisticated machinery. This induction of energy creates an imprint or memory of the original material in the matrix of the water. The successed solution is diluted 1:10 and again successed. This sequence continues, dilution and succession, until the dilutions reach into the thousands or millions. At this level of dilution, there is none of the original material left in the solution, only its memory on the water matrix. Exactly how Homeopathics works is unknown. It appears that when the homeopathic is injected, the body responds as though the original material were injected into the body. The body reacts to counter the material, which relieves the symptoms.
Take the onion for example. If a patient has the problem of excess tearing, the injection of an onion homeopathic will cure the problem. Most manufactures of homeopathic injections state it requires ten injections over a period of five to ten weeks to reach a plateau of effect. If the effect is not achieved, a second round may be required. It takes the body time to rebalance itself especially if the problem has been present for many years.
One thing to bear in mind with homeopathic injections is that they do not stop pain like an anesthetic or cortisone injection. These just ask symptoms. The Homeopathic injection stimulates your body to correct the problem which will eventually stop the pain. It doesn’t cover the symptom; it corrects the problem and provides long-lasting relief.
Homeopathics and Homotoxicology are gentle approaches that urge the body to rebalance itself naturally. Either of these approaches can be safely mixed with drugs and supplements without the concern of complications or side-effects.