Acupuncture Pain Relief Center of Tennessee
Acupuncture Pain Relief Center of Tennessee
About Us
About Us
Acupuncture Pain Relief Center of Tennessee (APRCT) opened its Madisonville, Tennessee office on June 1, 2020. We are an offshoot of Acupuncture Pain Relief Centers of Indiana, Inc. (APRCI). APRCI was one of the largest and most successful non-drug pain treatment centers in the country. Dr. Rankin was the first acupuncturist in Indiana to become a provider for the Veterans Administration. Here in Tennessee we will be treating the public as well as our Veterans.
Our Approach
Our approach to medicine is based on wellness. Our goal is to help as many people as possible by building their health to as high a level as possible. We achieve this by using many diverse alternative medicine techniques. We utilize Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), 5-Element Acupuncture, Meridian Balancing, Dr. Tungs pain relieving methods, Dr. Tan’s balancing methods and Homotoxicology in combination with herbal formulas and various physical modalities. We employ far infrared (FIR) technology in each treatment room.
We are constantly studying new and old techniques looking for ways to help our patients live a happy and healthy life. We are always open to new technologies, and our patients often introduce us to methodologies they have uncovered in their research for optimal health.
Overall, our focus is on total wellness. We treat the root of our patient’s problems as well as the symptoms. We provide a great deal of education so you will know what is happening and how it will improve your life. We always encourage questions on any subject.